Apple Nutrition Facts

Apple Nutrition Facts
Apples grow on apple trees and are one of the most commonly grown tree fruits in the world. In Europe and Asia apples have been grown for thousands of years, and they originated in Central Asia. They were introduced to North America by colonists. Apples are an extremely healthy fruit for humans as they contain no sodium, fat, or cholesterol and provide a good source of dietary fiber. Apples have proven to be beneficial to those with diabetes as they can help to regulate blood sugar, and they also carry health benefits for disease prevention.
Interesting Apple Nutrition Facts:
Approximately 2,500 varieties of apple trees are grown in the United States, and it takes up to five years for a tree to produce its first fruit.
The only apple that is native to North America is the crabapple.
Apples can be as small as a cherry to the size of a grapefruit.
One average size apple with its skin contains approximately 116 calories, 238 grams of potassium, 30 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of fiber and only 2 grams of sodium.
A large apple provides approximately 28% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
It is the phytonutrients in apples that help to regulate blood sugar. The polyphenols help to lessen the amount of glucose that is absorbed into the digestive tract. The flavonoids in apples inhibit the enzymes that breakdown the complex carbohydrates into simple sugars.
The fiber in apples helps to prevent heart disease. Although apples are not very high in fiber, the combination of an apple's nutrients and its fiber content regulate blood fat levels.
In order to gain all the health benefits that apples can offer it is important to eat the apple and the skin, in its whole raw form.
Apples have the ability to make a person feel less hungry and more satisfied, which in turn can reduce snacking and weight gain. Studies have shown that eating apple about 15 minutes before a meal reduces the amount of calories that individual will consume at the meal.
Apples have the ability to alter bacteria in the digestive tract and these changes provide health benefits such as balancing digestive bacteria.
Apples have anti-cancer health benefits but studies have shown that their benefits are greater if consumed on a daily basis.
Antioxidants in apples decrease the oxidation of cell membrane fats. Fat oxidation in cell membranes is a common cause of cardiovascular problems such as clogging of the arteries.
Studies have shown that apples can lower the risk of lung cancer, as well as the risk of asthma. Very few fruits have proven to be protective against lung cancer.
Regularly consuming apples can reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer.
The regular consumption of apples can decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol. It can also reduce total cholesterol.
Apples can provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Many chronic diseases today are caused by inflammation in the body.
When storing apples, the best way to preserve their nutrients is to keep them in cold storage. When stored properly they can last for several months with minimal nutrient loss.

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